In the past twelve-plus years, I worked on quite a number of small, middle-sized and large web-projects. The ones listed here are mostly private pages and NGO-websites I put some of my free time into. All commercial assignments I completed at work had to be omitted (on account of copyright, non-disclosure or other legal reasons.)
‘title’ => ‘Offene Bühne in Basel’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Open stage for music, poetry and theater. Every first Sunday in Basel.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Redesign, layout, programming, administration backend.’,
‘status’ => ‘online’,
‘support’ => ‘active’,
‘zirkel’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘Basler/Berner/Zürcher Zirkel für Ur- und Frühgeschichte’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Lectures on archaeology, primitive society and early history in Basel, Bern and Zurich.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Layout, programming, administration backend.’,
‘status’ => ‘online’,
‘support’ => ‘casual’,
‘sosos’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘Forum SOSOS’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Spiritual rituals, retreats and seminars in Eastern Switzerland.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Layout, programming, administration backend.’,
‘status’ => ‘rebuilt by third party’,
‘support’ => ‘ceased’,
‘fluengl’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘FLUENT ENGLISH Educational Project’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Free distance learning of the English language for Russian speakers.’,
‘lang’ => ‘Russian, English’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout, programming, administration backend, content management, project management.’,
‘status’ => ‘up and running’,
‘support’ => ‘active’,
‘ybel’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘YMCA Belarus’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Young Men\’s Christian Association in the Republic of Belarus.’,
‘lang’ => ‘Russian, English’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout, programming, administration backend, partial content management.’,
‘status’ => ‘under reconstruction’,
‘support’ => ‘casual’,
‘huanga’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘Huanga IT Solutions AG’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Customer management software for independent insurance brokers.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Layout, programming, administration backend.’,
‘status’ => ‘rebuilt by third party’,
‘support’ => ‘ceased’,
‘wag’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘Wicked Ambitious Gear’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘W-A-G: another clothes label? No, a new creative initiative.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout; CMS installation, configuration and administration.’,
‘status’ => ‘closed’,
‘support’ => ‘ceased’,
‘thomasmesse’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘Thomasmesse’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘A mass for doubters.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout, partial content management.’,
‘status’ => ‘up and running’,
‘support’ => ‘ceased’,
‘kswedding’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘K&S Wedding’,
‘url’ => ”,
‘descr’ => ‘Before, during and after the wedding of K&S.’,
‘lang’ => ‘German’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout, programming, content management.’,
‘status’ => ‘intranet’,
‘support’ => ‘casual’,
‘sirkinot’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘The Castle Of Sir Kinot’,
‘url’ => ”,
‘descr’ => ‘Sir Kinot\’s thoughts, deeds and the doubts in between.’,
‘lang’ => ‘English’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout, programming, content management.’,
‘status’ => ‘closed’,
‘support’ => ‘ceased’,
‘zeya’ => array(
‘title’ => ‘zeyaLabs’,
‘url’ => ‘’,
‘descr’ => ‘Last but not least: this very blog. Binary and plain stuff… and more.’,
‘lang’ => ‘English, Russian, German etc.’,
‘tasks’ => ‘Design, layout, programming, administration, content management.’,
‘status’ => ‘up and running’,
‘support’ => ‘active’,
$project): ?>